I was glad to see your name wasn’t on the list of lost classmates, and then I learned you were attending the reunion. I had a little twinge of wishing I was going. The memories of Midwestern College are so strong and wonderful that I’m constantly trying to convince the young students I teach that it was like a collegiate heaven on earth. Maybe it was because everything was amplified during those years – the happiness and the sadness, the politics and the music… I fear, despite all the wonderful things life has brought me in the meantime, that if I step foot in that room the flood gates may open. Does that make sense? ….. DW.
I like to think we’ve still got a little time before we turn into our parents …, see you there. ….. HK.
I’m not becoming my parents, but I think I’m becoming the dad from the Wonder Years. ….. BC.
I feel more connected to Midwestern College than the college I graduated from. ….. LR.
It shocks me how many people dread/hate reunions. I’ve recently gotten back in touch with many of the old characters I knew at Midwestern and it’s been mostly happy surprises. It’s amazing how many of us insecure, foolish, petty, and selfish little creatures morphed into kind, giving, intelligent people, parents and humanitarians. I’d jump at the chance to meet up with most of them – maybe we’ll have a 50 year shindig, if we can all make it there with our arthritis and broken hips. Sweet Jesus – did I just say 50 year reunion and shindig? How did I get this old? ….. MG.