Category Archives: Newsletter




Well hello there everybody, it’s been a long time hasn’t it. Recently there’s been discussion regarding the Midwestern College Newsletter. You know how ideas are chatted up, spin out of control, disappear and voila a new project takes off. Or does it. It’s been a long time hasn’t it.  Exactly why the idea of a newsletter deserves more than middling interest with your input being just the thing. A few classmates have kindled the possibility of publishing a Newsletter as if the school were still in operation. That would require more than a bit of imagination but it’s not impossible. Do you see it as having a touch of fun that shouldn’t be dismissed? Great.
Okay, now it’s your turn to send in ideas, hoots and hollers, shouts about what’s what, get your down up and in. Your classmates would love to hear from you so let us relight the Torch. A 45 year stroll down memory lane mixing in pics of kids and grandchildren. A little dab’ll do ya and soon we’ll have a conversation going. Gee, we’d love to hear from YOU!